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PhoneCallStateWavePlayer Methods

The PhoneCallStateWavePlayer type exposes the following members.

Public methodAttachToCall
Attaches this object to the given phone call.
Public methodDetach
Detaches the object from the attached call.
Public methodDispose
Disposes the object.
(Inherited from DisposableClass.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Disposes the object.
(Overrides TimerBasedMediaStreamHandlerDispose(Boolean).)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from DisposableClass.)
Protected methodGetAudioData (Inherited from AudioStreamPlayback.)
Public methodGetAudioFormat (Inherited from MediaStreamSender.)
Protected methodLoadReader
Initializes the file reader which will read the content of the stream. (This method will be invoked in the LoadStream(Stream) method.)
(Inherited from WaveStreamPlayback.)
Public methodLoadStream (Inherited from AudioStreamPlayback.)
Public methodPause
Pauses the streaming. (If the streaming is already paused then does nothing.)
(Inherited from MediaStreamSender.)
Protected methodReceiverConnected
This will be called when this object has been connected to an audio receiver.
(Inherited from AudioSender.)
Protected methodReceiverDisconnected
This will be called when this object has been disconnected from an audio receiver.
(Inherited from AudioSender.)
Protected methodSendMediaData (Inherited from AbstractMediaSenderTData, TFormat.)
Protected methodSetPlaybackWaveStream
Changes the playback stream to the given stream.
(Inherited from AudioStreamPlayback.)
Public methodSetPreferredSendFormats (Inherited from AbstractMediaSenderTData, TFormat.)
Public methodSetStateStreams
Sets files for the states of the activeCall.
Public methodStart
Starts the stream given in the Stream property. (If the stream is already started then does nothing.)
(Inherited from TimerBasedMediaStreamHandler.)
Public methodStop
Stops the streaming.
(Inherited from TimerBasedMediaStreamHandler.)
Protected methodTimerTick
This will be called when the built-in timer ticks.
(Inherited from AudioStreamPlayback.)
Public methodUpdateIncomingStateStream
Updates one wave file name for the given state for the activeCall.
Public methodUpdateOutgoingStateStream
Updates one wave file name for the given state for the activeCall.
See Also