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MotionDetector Properties

The MotionDetector type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDetectionFPS
Gets or sets that how many frames should be checked per second.
Public propertyHighlightMotion
Gets or sets how to highlight the moving objects.
Public propertyID (Inherited from DisposableClass.)
Public propertyIsRunning
Gets that the motion detector is running or not.
Public propertyMotionColor
Gets or sets the highlight color.
Public propertyPixelAmountSensitivy
Gets or sets that what percent of the image should change to be recognized as motion.
Public propertyPixelIntensitySensitivy
Gets or sets that what intensity difference between pixels should be recognized as motion.
Public propertyReceiveFormats
Gets a list of video formats that the video handler can receive. If no video format specified, all formats are supported.
(Inherited from VideoHandler.)
See Also