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FrameCaptureFromFolder Methods

The FrameCaptureFromFolder type exposes the following members.

Public methodChangeInterval
Changes the time interval between frames. If it was started then it restarts with the new interval.
Public methodDispose()
Disposes the object.
(Inherited from DisposableClass.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) (Overrides DisposableClass.Dispose(Boolean).)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from DisposableClass.)
Protected methodReceiverConnected (Inherited from VideoSender.)
Protected methodReceiverDisconnected (Inherited from VideoSender.)
Protected methodSendMediaData (Inherited from VideoSender.)
Public methodSetPreferredSendFormats (Inherited from AbstractMediaSender<TData, TFormat>.)
Public methodStart
Starts parsing the pictures and sending the video data to receivers connected. If the the directory path is invalid an apropiate exception will be thrown.
Public methodStop
See Also