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ISIPExtension Methods

The ISIPExtension type exposes the following members.

Public methodCheckPassword
Public methodGetDialInfoSIPAddress (Inherited from IPBXSIPClient.)
Public methodGetManager<T>
Gets the specified manager of the UA instance with T type.
(Inherited from IUserAgentInstance.)
Public methodGetNextCSeq
Retrieves the next out-of-dialog CSeq.
(Inherited from IUserAgentInstance.)
Public methodGetRequestURI (Inherited from IUserAgentInstance.)
Public methodOnCalled
Creates a call object to that extension. This method will be called when calling the extension.
(Inherited from IPBXSIPClient.)
Public methodOnMessageReceived
This will be called when an extension sent a message to this extension.
(Inherited from IExtensionBase.)
Public methodRecognize (Inherited from IUserAgentInstance.)
See Also