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IIPCamera Methods

The IIPCamera type exposes the following members.

Public methodConnect
Connects to the camera.
(Inherited from ICamera.)
Public methodDisconnect
Disconnects from the camera.
(Inherited from ICamera.)
Public methodDispose
Closes the camera and frees up its resources.
(Inherited from ICamera.)
Public methodGetSystemBackup
Retrieves system backup configuration file(s). Returned with reference to a name and mime-type together with binary data.
Public methodHardReset
Resets to the factory settings.
Public methodRebootCamera
Reboots the camera device.
Public methodRestoreSystem
Restores the system backup configuration.
Public methodSendOnvifRequest
Sends Onvif request to an IP Camera. (e.g.: PTZ)
Public methodSoftReset
Resets the factory defaults, except basic network settings such as IP Address, Subnet, Gateway or DHCP settings.
Public methodStart
Starts the capturing from the selected device.
Throws an Exception when no device selected.
(Inherited from ICamera.)
Public methodStart(IPCameraStream)
Connects and starts the listening process.
Public methodStart(IPCameraStream, ListenedMedia)
Connects and starts the listening process.
Public methodStartUpgradeFirmware
Begins to upgrade the device firmware - if supported.
Public methodStop
Stops the capturing.
(Inherited from ICamera.)
Public methodStopListening
Stops the listening process.
Public methodTakeOnvifSnapshot
Gets a snapshot from the ONVIF camera device.
Public methodUpgradeSystemFirmware
Upgrades the device firmware with the provided one.
See Also