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AudioClient Properties

The AudioClient type exposes the following members.

Protected property_audioClientInterface
Public propertyBufferSize
Gets the maximum capacity of the audio buffer. Requires initialization.
Public propertyCurrentPadding
Gets the number of frames of padding in the endpoint buffer. Requires initialization.
Public propertyDefaultDevicePeriod
Gets the length of the default periodic interval separating successive processing passes by the audio engine on the data in the endpoint buffer.
Protected propertyInitialized
Public propertyMinimumDevicePeriod
Gets the length of the minimum periodic interval separating successive processing passes by the audio engine on the data in the endpoint buffer.
Public propertyMixFormat
Gets the stream format that the audio engine uses for its internal processing of shared-mode streams. Requires initialization.
Public propertyStreamLatency
Gets the maximum latency for the current stream. Requires initialization.
See Also